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Privacy Policy

Green Mobile wishes to protect your privacy. We place a high value on our customers and wish to uphold the trust you have placed in us. Green Mobile complies with PIPA (personal information protection act). This act guides us in the collection, use, retention and disclosure of your personal information. We collect your information to enhance products, services, our marketing to you and to support and improve your total customer experience.

What is Personal Information?

Personal information means any information about an identifiable individual. This includes information such as your name, address, telephone number, birth date, purchase information or e-mail address. As a customer, you provide Green Mobile with this information in a variety of ways, such as when you apply for service, credit checks, make a purchase, enter store contests or use any online shopping tools. In each case Green Mobile will deal with your personal information in a responsible manner.

Collection of Personal Information

  • We will inform you as to why we are collecting your personal information. In the cases where the purpose for collecting information is obvious, your consent is implied.
  • We will ask your permission to collect information from you that will be used for serving you in the future.

Using and Disclosing Personal Information

  • Green Mobile will not sell your information to third parties
  • We may share your information with third parties such as the credit bureaus, wireless product manufacturers, insurance companies, your wireless service provider, and any companies which provide warranties relating to your product. We may also disclose your personal information where we are required or permitted by law to do so.
  • If you wish to limit or withdraw your consent as to how we use your personal information please contact the company privacy officer.

Protection and Maintaining Your Personal Information

  • Green Mobile will retain your personal information as long as is necessary to ensure that we can continue to meet and exceed your needs as our client.
  • We strive to ensure that our security measures protect against theft, unauthorized access, disclosure and use of your personal information.
  • We also comply with any legal requirement relating to the period of time which we must retain your personal information. All documents containing your personal information that we no longer require will be shredded.

You Can Request Access To Your Personal Information

If you request access to your personal information please contact the company privacy officer who will assist you. You have the right to request that personal information which you believe to be inaccurate be corrected.

How to Contact the Privacy Office

If you have any question or concerns about privacy at Green Mobile, or if you wish to withdraw consent for the use of your personal information, contact the Green Mobile privacy officer at:

Green Mobile
629 Liverpool Road
Pickering, ON
L1W 1R1
(647) 655-8804